Relic Song
I had a conversation with a friend on Twitter a while back about Pokémon. We talked our ears off about the series, but talking with them gave me some inspiration. That spark was to dress my characters like Pokémon, and the ideas came naturally.
I chose Chlora because like many of my characters, I haven't drawn her since September. I drew her as a Meloetta, but then I remembered: it has two forms, Aria and Pirouette. I drew Chlora in Aria Forme, but I wanted to include the Pirouette. My red main character is male (Molo and Ember don't know her,) so I drew Aqua instead. She is a dancer, so it fits her character.
I wanted to draw a bonus comic showing that they were dressed like this because Aqua invited Chlora to a rehearsal with Chlora saying that she won't grow her hair out like this again, but I didn't have time. This was fun to draw, I'm happy with the spotlight, and Aqua's hair, though it was hard to work with, looks decent.
I don't know if I'll draw my characters like this again, but it was a fun experiment. The next time I draw Chlora, she will be in her regular clothes.