Aqua Gremlin

Unless you're used to how I run this website, you're probably reading this and thinking to yourself "Arrow, what the heck is this?! This is your art portfolio, not your Subreddit." In that sense, you're right; This website is my art portfolio, but it's also a catalog of my digital art. I've been tracking my digital art since 2019, and while I have let a piece of fan art slip through (giving credit where necessary, of course), this is one of the first times I've drawn something stupid for myself, and since it involved one of my characters, I wanted to share it here.

At the time of writing this, it has been less than five months since I completed this piece, but I remember the story behind it clear as day; It was my final week of college, I finished my homework, I finished my exams, I submitted the final draft of a short story, and the weight of a seemingly-impossible project had been lifted from my shoulders. Once I hit the submit button for the final time, the realization that came next hit me like a brick; my academic career was ending, my degree was complete, my expectations for success had been fulfilled. The last things on my checklist were to pack up my dorm and walk at graduation. For the next three days, I had all the time in the world, and I was gonna make the most of it. I whipped out my iPad and no less than three hours after submitting my last project for college, this piece was done. All I wanted was to draw something; it didn't have to be formal, I just needed to take solace in my newfound freedom, and this was the result.

I draw memes less than I draw fan art, so this was exceptional for me. This piece was inspired by a meme called "Person on A Leash" (it's safe for work, I promise), and it's set up so people can write which characters would be the ones on the leash (mischievous, impulsive, energetic, reckless, etc.) and which person they have a relationship with would be holding the leash (calm, patient, careful, thoughtful, etc.) to keep them from getting into trouble. I didn't draw the person holding the leash for the meme because my goal was to make Aqua look as silly as possible. In reality, she would be the one holding the leash for some of her friends because she's mild-mannered when they are prone to mischief.

I'm happy that I was able to be artistically self-indulgent and do something that wasn't anything serious. In fact, I keep this image in my back pocket during the rare moments with friends where I choose to be mischievous, so it's a fun inside joke. I will say, if I make a chibi for Aqua in the future, she will look much cuter and less silly than she does here. This could be a decent starting point, who knows if I'll take it further?